FAQs about our teen trips

You have questions - we have answers about our teen trips.

FAQs about Accommodation

Q: What types of accommodation will my teen be staying at?

A: We strive to prioritize locations that are, without exception, safe, as well as affordable and local whenever possible. For our Ireland trip in Summer 2024 we are planning a mix of B&Bs, hotels, and a hostel. The hostel provides private rooms with bunks, so our group would only be staying in rooms with members of our group - not big dorms with other members of the public.

Q: Does my teen get their own room? If not, who would be their roommate(s)?

A: We price our trips so that it is as affordable as possible for all our participants. With that in mind, they’ll often be sharing with at least one other member of the group, although some rooms in B&Bs and hostels may sleep more with twin beds, so there may be more. However, teens will always have their own bed - that all teens feel comfortable on our trips and have a comfortable place to sleep, that’s all their own, is a priority for our team. If your teen would prefer a private room, this can be arranged for an additional fee since the price of the trip is based on the cost of shared rooms.

FAQs about Food

Q: What kind of foods will my teen be eating?

A: As with our accommodation, we aim to keep things local whenever possible. We will however ensure that there options to address teens’ dietary and allergy requirements.

Q: Where will my teens be eating?

A: On our Ireland 2024 trip we ‘ll be eating at a mix of dining options including, but not limited to, fish and chip shops, restaurants and pubs. It is very common to eat meals in pubs in Ireland and provides an authentic local experience when dining.

FAQs about Activities

Q: What kinds of activities will my teen be doing?

A: We aim to have diverse activities that appeal to, and are as accessible to, as many teens as possible. Some are educational (historic sites), some are active (easy hikes, E-bikes, etc.), and some are passive (watching sheep dog demonstrations.)

Q: Will my teen be forced to do an activity?

A: Your teen will be encouraged to stretch themselves and try new things by professional and trained youth workers and activity leaders - but they will never be forced to do an activity they are not comfortable with. However, group activity pricing is often based on group numbers, so you won’t be able to “opt out” of activities to save money - it is built into the price of the trip along with gratuities.

Any activities that are deemed “luxury” (hot air balloon flights, etc.) will be offered as an “opt-in” option before the trip, where families can pay for additional fun activities beyond the built-in group activities on the trip.

FAQs about Insurance

Q: What kind of insurance do you have?

A: We have a general liability and commercial vehicle policies for our trips that cover anywhere in the world.

Q: Do I need to get any other insurance?

A: Yes, travel insurance will be required for each participant on the trip and that amount isn’t included in the price of your trip.

FAQs about Flights

Q: It says the trip price includes an international flight, but not US-based flights. What does that mean?

A: Teens on an Ignite Travel trip will be coming from all over the USA and possibly the world. For US-based teens, you will need to get them to the group flight airport as teens will travel abroad with the staff from Ignite as one large group. For example, on our Ireland 2024 trip that will be from the NYC/Boston area to/from Dublin. The US-based positioning trips from/to their home airport is not covered in the price of the trip since teens will be coming from all over the USA.

Those traveling from an international destination to another international destination will have a different policy and can reach out on a case-by-case basis.

Q: Will my teen need to fly alone to/from their home airport?

A: No, you are very welcome to accompany them to/from the group flight airport and hand them off/receive them from an Ignite Travel team member.

FAQs about Price

Q: What’s included in the price of an Ignite Travel teen trip?

A: The following things are included in the price of our teen trips. We aim to make them as affordable and all-inclusive as possible.

  • International group flight

  • Accommodation in-country

  • In-country transportation

  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner in-country

  • Trip t-shirt and reflective travel journal

  • All activities and gratuities

Q: What’s excluded in the price of an Ignite Travel teen trip?

A: The following things are not included in the price of our teen trips.

  • US-based positioning flights from/to home airport

  • Food on travel days - we’re talking about airport food and drinks. If there is breakfast, in-country, on the day we travel back to the US then that is included in the price as listed above.

  • Snack money and spending money - outside of the 3 full meals in-country each day, teens will need to have money for snacks and any souvenirs they want to buy.

  • Bottled water where tap water is safe to drink

  • Passports, vaccinations, visas, etc.

  • Mandatory travel insurance

Have other questions that haven’t been answered here? Ask them in the comments below or contact us.


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